Christmas Traditions In The Netherlands
Friday, 14th December 2018 -
Last updated on: Tuesday, 18th December 2018
Old and new Christmas traditions in the Netherlands
In a previous blog we wrote about “gourmetten” and its growing popularity in the Netherlands during Christmas time. Missed it? Click here to read it.

Recent research, done by PLUS -a chain of Dutch super markets- provided us with these fun facts about Christmas celebrations in the Netherlands.
Curious what they are?
Let's go!
Dutch Youngsters
Young Dutch people are more likely to spend Christmas with friends instead of family than other age categories. Below the age of 30, no less than 33% of them, do. A new tradition among these young people is visiting a traditional German Christmas market. One third of twenty-somethings thinks kissing under the Mistletoe is a fun tradition and 25% of them likes the idea of a Potluck-style Christmas party.
What we like to wear to a Christmas dinner
The “ugly Christmas sweater” is gaining popularity quickly! 20% prefers the sweater over all other dress options. Dutch people like to dress casually during Christmas dinners, over 50% (!) would rather not wear a tux or fancy dress to dinner.
During Christmas day, a whopping 40% of Dutch women would like to wear pajamas and curl up on the couch. Of the men; 21% do.
A traditional roast is still number one, 29% of the Dutch people says this is their favourite Christmas dinner. In second place: Gourmetten! 8% of Dutch people likes a traditional Christmas turkey and 2,9% would rather not eat something fancy or out of their comfort zone, and prefers “normal” food they’re accustomed to.
Top 5 Christmas traditions in the Netherlands:
1: the Christmas dinner
2: Setting the Christmas tree
3: Decorating the house
4: Watching Christmas movies
5: Listening to Christmas songs

We are all for traditions, and sometimes it’s fun to create new ones ourselves.
We’re sharing one with you today: The Christmas Conversations-jar!
All you need is an empty glass jar, paper and a pen.
Cut up some pieces of paper and write (funny) questions on them. Fold up the pieces of paper and put them back in the jar. During dinner, every guest gets to take a piece of paper from the jar and read and answer the question out loud. Make sure the questions you put in are suitable for all ages present at the dinner table to maximize the fun.

Here are some examples to get you going:
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I never want to hear this Christmas song EVER again:……..
The best Christmas movie of all time is:……..
I would like to kiss …………. under the Mistletoe
My favourite Christmas tradition is………….
The best Christmas present I have ever gotten is…………
My ideal Ugly Christmas Sweater looks like this………….
It’s not Christmas until…………….
I would LOVE to invite (name of famous person) for Christmas dinner
Describe your ideal Christmas tree
My favourite Christmas memory is this:………….
As a child I liked this the most of Christmas celebrations:………
Do you go to church during Christmas?
The funniest thing that ever happened to me at Christmas is…………
I’d LOVE to find this present under the tree:…………….
If I was Santa Clause, I would…………..
My favourite reindeer is, ……….. because………….
No-one knows I dream of doing THIS one day…………
White Christmas: yay or nay?
I want to make a snow man that looks like…………..
We hope to have inspired you.
Yummy Dutch wishes you a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!
Tags: christmas, kerstmis, kerst, gourmetten, dinner, kerstboom, dutch, nederland, netherlands, presents, blog, cadeaus, gifts, tradities, traditions, mistletoe, reindeer
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