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History And 'how-To?' Of Dutch 'Stamppot'.

Saturday, 18th October 2014 - Last updated on: Wednesday, 22nd October 2014

When summer has turned into autumn, and the temperatures drop towards 0 degrees Celcius, Dutch people start making their famous traditional ‘stamppotten’ again.

Stamppot, or ‘mash pot’, is a dish made of mashed potatoes, vegetables and often combined with ‘rookworst’, bacon, or both. There are also people that like to eat their stamppot with a gehaktbal (meat ball).

Short history of stamppot

The Dutch probably started making stamppot in the beginning of the 19th century. Before that people did make stews with meat and vegetables, but there was one thing missing: the potato!
The Dutch started using potatoes in their daily meals at the end of the 1800’s. From then on, the stamppot started evolving into what we know it to be today. (source: Unox)

What do you need to make stamppot?

Floury potatoes
A metal stamppot masher
Rookworst/bacon/meat ball

How to make stamppot?

It’s very easy, really! 
Make sure you have a large pan to cook in, and peel as much potatoes as you need to fill 2/3 of the pan, including the added water. Make sure the water is +/- 4 centimeters higher than the top layer of the potatoes, because you’ll be adding vegetables as well.
Bring the potatoes to a boil, and when they have cooked for some minutes, add the kale or zuurkool/sauerkraut to cook for another 10 minutes together with the potatoes. (Don’t forget to put the lid on).
If you’re having rookworst (smoked sausage) with your stamppot, place it on top of the potatoes and vegetable of choice in the pan to heat. 
(Don’t remove the plastic seal the sausage is in until your potatoes and vegetables are cooked to keep all the juices and flavor in. Remove only the outer packaging before placing it on top of the vegetables.)
After +/- 20 minutes of cooking your potatoes are ready to mash. Carefully drain the water, place the sausage on a plate, add a little lump of butter and a splash of milk. Mush up the potatoes and vegetables and add some more milk until you’re satisfied with the structure. 
Add some salt and pepper and serve with the sausage or meat ball.

If you’re making ‘hutspot’ -stamppot with carrots- bring the carrots to a boil together with the potatoes. And if you have chosen to make ‘andijviestamppot’, stamppot with endive, cook the potatoes, drain them, and then add the (cut) endive so you can mash it up the same way as described above. With endive or kale stamppot little baked pieces of bacon are a great and tasty addition.
These above mentioned stamppotten are traditional ones that most Dutch people make (mostly) during autumn and winter for dinner. 
In the last couple of years many tasty new varieties have been discovered, and there are even books full of these new recipes. In this blog we wanted you to get to know the traditional stamppotten, but we’re planning on sharing recipes in the near future of some of the tasty modern varieties, so stay tuned!

Serving suggestions for your stamppot:

Serve with a ‘hole’ of gravy (Dutch people use their fork or spoon to make a hole in the middle of the stamppot on their plate to pour gravy in), vinegar for kale stamppot, or mustard for kale, endive or zuurkool/sauerkraut stamppot.

Eet Smakelijk! (Enjoy your dinner!)
Link to '80's Unox tv commercial where a grandmother makes 'boerenkoolstamppot' (kale mash pot) with rookworst (smoked sausage)

Tags: sauerkraut, zuurkool, stamppot, mash pot, unox. rookworst, smoked sausage, dutch, food, dinner, gravy, jus, kale, hutspot, bacon, endive, andijvie, spekjes

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