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YD Brassi And Her Friends From The Amazon

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YD Brassi And Her Friends From The Amazon

Price: € 15.00
Gross weight: 300 grams
Net weight: 200 grams

Meet Brassi, the Indian girl from the Amazon. Brassi originated from the brain of Dutch artist/comic Peter Kuin. Peter has been living and working from Brazil for fourteen years. That is where the inspiration arose to tell the story of Brassi, an Indian girl in an Indian village on the Amazon. Her Indian tribe lives at one with nature around them and can talk to all the animals of the jungle. Brassi experiences many exciting adventures there. A nice reading book in which the children can also learn a lot about life in the Amazon with all its beautiful animals and wonderful fauna. The book comes with a nice coloring page in it.
For children from 3 years old.

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